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Unconditional cash grants to women are key to stimulating economic development

I absolutely loved this short five-minute video, “Jump Starting Economic Recovery Through The Unconditional Cash Transfer Facility”, by Financial Sector Deepening Uganda (FSD Uganda).

Wow! What an effective way to communicate the power of “small is beautiful”.

How FSD Uganda intervened, providing disadvantaged women with unconditional small cash grants of Ug. Shs. 571,000 (US$ 153), is similar to what we are trying to achieve with our CPAR Uganda “Uganda Women’s Economic Loan Fund” project for which we are fundraising.

Utilizing the donations that we have so far received our first beneficiary of our women’s economic loan fund project is a teacher’s wife. She lives in Entebbe with her husband and five children. However, their ancestral home is in Serere District in Teso sub-region in North-Eastern Uganda.

On the first day of March 2024, the month of women, we granted the teacher’s wife a one-year interest free loan, which she is going to use to trade in food that is grown and supplied from her disadvantaged community of Serere.

Accompanying the interest free loan, we are mentoring the teacher’s wife to attain high level financial literacy, to the extent that she will be able to similarly train others from her community – the multiplier effect.

The fellow community members of the teacher’s wife from whom she will source produce for sale, food items – such as rice, will have a ready market for their produce and at fair prices. And, through trading in food items, the teacher’s wife will contribute much needed additional income to her family’s household.

Yes, our theory of change is to give disadvantaged but enterprising women long-term interest free loans accompanied with financial literacy mentorship and training.

Similar to FSD, we are placing disadvantaged women at the centre, respecting them and enabling them to be the decision makers of how to go about their own development at household level.

The FSD unconditional cash transfer facility not only gave women the necessary economic power boost that they needed to jump start their economic recovery, it gave them invaluable social capital. It elevated their social standing and enhanced their human agency.

This is exactly what we strive to achieve with our CPAR Uganda “Uganda Women’s Economic Loan Fund” project. We ask you please to consider making a donation to his high positive impact project.

Click here to make a donation, no donation is too small.

We also ask you to please help us to share the word to potential donors to make a contribution in support of disadvantaged but enterprising women.

Furthermore, we would love to explore other ways of partnering and collaborating with like-minded organisations, such as FSD, so please put us in touch. Thank you.

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